Wow, what an amazing weekend!! Thank you everyone who made it this amazing! It was so fun having my family and friends over, it made me so happy. I seriously have the best family and friends ever! My friends are my family and I want to grow old with all of you guys! Today I have to hunt for a coat and some shoes, my canvas shoes are starting to get a bit to cold for this autumn weather..
Warning for photo bomb ;)
My princess ❤️
I got these cute candles from mom! When I opened it I thought she had bought me three piccolo bottles of wine, but after half a minute the light dawned on me (hahahaha!) and I realized it was candles!
New in!
This skincare serie from The Body Shop is a must during the winter in our home! It moisturizes so darn good, it is without doubt my favorite!
Face Protector 12,-
Hand Treat Oil 12.50,-
Hand Protector 14.90,-
Hej, fin blogg du har! Ja, visst är Amsterdam en trevlig stad, där finns verkligen det mesta av det bästa.
Att plugga foto i Amsterdam vore verkligen fint. Allt som har att göra med kultur där är storslaget :)